Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Common Myths of Instant Faxless Payday Loans

Common Myths of Instant Faxless Payday Loans
By Jerry Dill

Finding a payday loan in your area is simple and quick. Make sure that you understand what you get yourself into before hand in order to make sure that you get the most out of your payday loan. It is important to make sure that you calculate all expenses before applying for a payday loan.

Signing up for a loan at several locations can improve my chances of being approved - FALSE - Many online payday lenders actually connect you to several other lenders. Many times your application might be run several times. Make sure that you choose your sites carefully and fill out the application completely; otherwise you may have a very difficult time getting a lender.

Lenders won't check my credit history - False - Lenders may or may not check your credit history. Having a positive credit score is extremely important to paying for your loan. Many lenders actually prefer to check your credit score in advance, especially with storefront centers.

Payday lenders will arrest me if I default on my loan - Surprisingly, this is one of the most common myths that people will encounter. In fact, by law lenders cannot arrest you for defaulting on your loan. Don't take these threats seriously.

I can take out a payday loan without having a job - Payday loans are designed as loans that can provide you with money until your next payday. Without a job it makes it extremely difficult to pay back your loans on time. Payday loans are easy money to access, however you should make sure you can afford one before you take one out. If you default on your loan, your interest rates will become a major concern.

For more information on payday loans visit:

Jerry Dill - Financial consultant and writer for the payday loan industry.

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  1. If that is the case then many borrowers will be encouraged not to pay their dues. Quite unfair to the payday lenders :(

  2. I think it is an individual's conscience. I firmly believe that what you owed must be payed back - we call it responsible lending.

  3. The misconception about payday lending can be traced back to the lender's itself. let's admit it not all lenders are created equal. ~ Uncle Buck loans

  4. The advice i can give to to search for the best site for loans poor credit and compare and contrast their interest rates and fees.

  5. I agree. Not all payday lenders are created equal so choose the one that offers lower interest rates.

  6. Faxless payday loans seems a very convenient way and so are loans by text. Simply use any mobile device to apply the loan.
